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Message from Pastor Zach Jones 10/27/19

Pastor Zach tells us who we are versus who we were.

Who You Are - Pastor Zach Jones
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Centennial Celebration Service 10/13/19

Dr. John Stumbo, President of U.S. C&MA, shares a special message on our 100th Anniversary.

Centennial Message - Dr. John Stumbo
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Message from Daryl Jacobson 10/20/19

Daryl Jacobson tells us what our high calling is in life.

A High Calling - Daryl Jacobson
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Message from Zach Jones 10/6/19

Our new Associate Pastor, Zach Jones, talks about the works God has prepared for us.

The Works Prepared For Us - Pastor Zach Jones
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Message from Dr. Don Wiggins 9/15/19

Dr. Don Wiggins explains how to be a united church in an untied world.

A United Church for an Untied World - Dr. Don Wiggins
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Message from Dr. Don Wiggins 9/29/19

Dr. Don Wiggins tells us why we need The Spirit.

Why We Need The Spirit - Dr. Don Wiggins
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Message from Pastor Daryl Jacobson 8/25/19

Pastor Daryl Jacobson brings a message of encouragement to Staples Alliance Church.

Message of Encouragement - Pastor Daryl Jacobson
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Message from Pastor Daryl Jacobson 9/1/19

Pastor Daryl Jacobson brings another important message to our church family.

Important Message for SAC - Pastor Daryl Jacobson
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Message from Dr. Don Wiggins 9/8/19

Dr. Don Wiggins encourages us to seek Jesus' direction for our church and lives.

Seeking Jesus - Dr. Don Wiggins
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Message from Dr. Dan Scarrow 8/18/19

Dr. Dan Scarrow brings a message of hope to Staples Alliance Church.

Message of Hope - Dr. Dan Scarrow
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Greater Than Any Priest  Hebrews 4:14-5:10

To whom do you go when you need to draw close to God? We are blessed to have people who help us along in our spiritual life, but there is no one who can help us in time of need like Jesus does.

Greater Than Any Priest - July 7, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Greater Than Any Priest  Hebrews 4:14-5:10

To whom do you go when you need to draw close to God? We are blessed to have people who help us along in our spiritual life, but there is no one who can help us in time of need like Jesus does.

Greater Than Any Priest - July 7, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Sword of God's Word  Hebrews 4:12-13

God's word is a sword that serves in more ways than one.

The Sword of God's Word - June 23, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Entering Rest  Hebrews 3:7-4:11

God has a rest for you and He invites you to enter it. To find His rest is a wonderful privilege. To miss it is an unacceptable tragedy. Entering His rest depends upon what happens in your heart when you hear His voice.

Entering Rest - June 16, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Greater Than Moses  Hebrews 3:1-6

In all the pages of Scripture, there is no one whose life can compare with that of Moses, except for Jesus. Jesus surpasses Moses in every measure of greatness. Hebrews 3 reminds us to be wary of whom we place on pedestals.

Greater Than Moses - May 26, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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He Who Sanctifies  Hebrews 2:10-18

God's will is for you is to be sanctified, meaning to become like Jesus, holy and set apart. The good news is Jesus Himself is He who sanctifies us. 

He Who Sanctifies - May 19, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Beyond Fear of Death  Hebrews 2:14-15

The fear of death enslaves people. Jesus sets us free from that fear. (This message was given on Easter Sunday in 2016, but has been re-posted because it expounds on this portion of the letter to the Hebrews.)

Beyond Fear of Death - March 27, 2016 - Bob Hepokoski
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Pay Much Closer Attention  Hebrews 2:1-4

Those who believe in Jesus have received the world's greatest message from the universe's most reliable source. What happens if we fail to pay attention to what we've heard?

Pay Much Closer Attention - May 12, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Greater Than The Angels   Hebrews 1:4-14, 2:5-9

What do we really know about angels? Only what God has shown us. And one of the New Testament passages that tells us most about angels is Hebrews 1. Yet these words weren't written primarily to tell us about angels, but about Jesus and His surpassing greatness.

Greater Than The Angels - May 5, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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God Speaks   Hebrews 1:1-4

God has spoken in many ways throughout the ages, but Hebrews tells us that in these last days He has spoken to us most completely and most perfectly through His Son. In the midst of the communication overload that bombards us every day, do we still hear Him?

God Speaks - April 28, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Return to the Land Between

Pastor Bob's farewell message addresses the subject of hard transitions. The experiences of the Israelites in the wilderness offer important lessons as to how we can grow spiritually through the difficult and unsettled periods of life.

Return to the Land Between - August 11, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Overcome Temptation  Luke 4:1-13

Jesus was tempted, but never sinned. So He is our ultimate example of how to overcome temptation.

Overcome Temptation - March 24, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Jesus the Deliverer   Luke 8:26-39

The Bible clearly indicates that demons are real and can cause great harm in the lives of people. What do we need to know about them? What should we do?

Jesus the Deliverer - March 31, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Jesus the Healer  Luke 13:10-17

During His earthly ministry, Jesus healed many people from all kinds of afflictions. He is still the Great Healer and the Scripture instructs us to seek Him when we desire physical healing for ourselves or for others.

Jesus the Healer - April 7, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Overcoming Failure   Luke 22:31-34

Our faith is prone to fail us in times of testing. These words that Jesus spoke to Peter give us courage to stand in the time of testing and instruction about what to do when our faith fails.

Overcoming Failure - April 14, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Overcoming Death   Luke 23:44-48, 24:36-48

Jesus died for us. Jesus rose again. This is God's plan for you to overcome death. Those who receive this message are assured of a place in a future resurrection to eternal life!

Overcoming Death - April 21, 2019 (Easter Sunday) - Bob Hepokoski
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God Created   Genesis 1:1-25

As God Himself tells the story of the beginning of all things, we learn lessons that are essential to our understanding of God, life and the world in which we live. 

God Created - January 13, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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In the Image of God   Genesis 1:26-28

God created us to be like Him in ways that no other creature can claim. He tells us that we are created in His image and likeness. It is only when we understand the implications of that nature that we will know who we truly are and be capable of properly relating to other persons. 

In the Image of God - January 20, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Male and Female He Created Them   Genesis 1:27

The contemporary issue of gender and gender identity has come to be a matter of public debate, with many voices speaking. What does God have to say about gender? 

Male and Female He Created Them - January 27, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Have Dominion   Genesis 1:28-31

God gave human beings a unique place in His creation. How does God intend for us to relate to the rest of Creation?

Have Doninion - February 3, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Seventh Day   Genesis 2:1-3

What does it mean for us to "keep the Sabbath day"? Does it mean going to a church service? Not working? Or is the Sabbath something that is even meant for Christians to observe. To answer these questions, we need to consider why God set apart the seventh day in the first place.

The Seventh Day - February 10, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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God's Original Design for Marriage   Genesis 2:18-25

God designed marriage to bring us blessing.  Yet sadly, our me-first culture has sought to redesign marriage in an effort to improve on God's original plan.  The sad result has been that any short term gains are overshadowed by the long term costs of not following God's original design for marriage.

God's Original Design for Marriage - February 17, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Serpent   Genesis 3:1-5

God created a perfect world for Adam and Eve.  But there was an enemy who came to sow the seeds of sin and death.  Genesis introduces us to our enemy, the devil. 

The Serpent - February 24, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Fall   Genesis 2:5-18, 3:6-24

The world that we live in does not have much resemblance to the paradise where God intended for us to dwell. It has been corrupted because of sin and its consequences. This is the event theologians refer to as "The Fall" and it explains so much about the world we live in. 

The Fall - March 3, 2019 - Bob Hepokoski
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Hope In Light of The Curse   Genesis 3:14-24

No sooner had God brought His curse upon the world because of sin, than He also gave His first promise of a Savior who would offer us redemption.

Hope In Light of The Curse - March 10, 2019 - Mark Shea
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Mary's Worship   Luke 1:46-55

A young woman, confronted by dramatically life changing circumstances, Mary responded with deep faith and spontaneous worship. Her words of praise are an example for all who have believed in her Son, showing us how to worship the Lord.

Mary's Worship - December 2, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Joseph's Dilemma   Matthew 1:18-25

The miraculous events surrounding Jesus' birth left Joseph with the most difficult decision he had ever faced. Yet he dealt with his dilemma in an exemplary manner, leaving us an example for the times we are challenged by difficult choices.

Joseph's Dilemma - December 9, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Wise Men's Journey   Matthew 2:1-12

What would prompt these men from the east to undertake a 1000 mile journey to worship and give precious gifts to a Child? And more importantly, what lessons about seeking Jesus can we learn from the magi?

The Wise Men's Journey - December 16, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Herod's Rejection   Matthew 2:1-8, 16-18

Like all great stories, the Christmas story has a villain - King Herod. What can we learn from a villain? For some, the greatest lesson of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus may come from the life of King Herod. 

Herod's Rejection - December 23, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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One In God's Truth    Ephesians 4:1-6

The unity of Christians is a precious gift of God that we must care for with diligence. Ephesians 4 shows us two ways that we preserver our unity. We maintain our unity through Christ-like attitudes and holding to the essential truths that God has revealed to us.

ONE in God's Truth - November 4, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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One In Agape    1 Corinthians 13

God places a high priority on His people loving one another. The theme of love an unity runs throughout the New Testament, but nowhere is it spoken more powerfully and eloquently than 1 Corinthians 13.

ONE in Agape - November 18, 2018
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One In Christian Liberty    Romans 14:1-9

We are one because we share a common faith in our one and only Savior. But we come from different backgrounds and often have different convictions. How do we deal with our differences so they don't compromise our unity?

ONE in Christian Liberty - November 11, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Our Journey Into Deeper Grace    Craig D. Smith

Suffering and pain are an invitation to experience more of God's grace.

Our Journey Into Deeper Grace - September 16, 2018 a.m. - Craig Smith
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The River of God    Craig D. Smith

God's grace goes further and deeper than what we have yet discovered.

The River of God - September 16, 2018 p.m. - Craig Smith
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Called to Deeper Grace    Romans 1:1-7

The call of God is an invitation to experience His grace in a new and deeper way. The Scripture shows at least three ways that God calls us.

Called to Deeper Grace - September 23, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Called to Good Works    Ephesians 2:10

God cares about good works. He created you to do good works and He has prepared good works for you to do. Sometimes that will change the course of your day. Sometimes it will change the course of your whole life.

Called to Good Works - September 30, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Unforeseen Paths    Acts 26:9-20

When we follow God's call, we will find ourselves on unforeseen paths, in places we never expected and involved with people we never imagined.

Unforeseen Paths - October 14, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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Here I Am    Isaiah 6:1-12

We should not expect that God will call us in the dramatic way that Isaiah was called, but we should always be prepared to accept His call in the way that Isaiah did.

Here I Am - October 21, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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The Experience of God's Call    Mark 7:1-13

Pastor Bob shares his own experience of God's call and teaches from the words of Jesus that were instrumental in his own call to missionary service.

The Experience of God's Call - October 28, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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5 Things God Wants You to Know About Work

Labor Day weekend is an appropriate time to consider the worth and purpose of our work. God cares about your job and there are some things He wants you to consider every day as you head off to the job.

5 Things God Wants You to Know About Work - September 2, 2018 - Bob Hepokoski
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